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The Beginning

Always Remember was established in October 2015. Registration with Wreaths Across America (WAA) was confirmed on October 8, 2015 and re-affirmed on January 19, 2016.


A new year is upon us and once again Always Remember has renewed its registration  for 2018 with Wreaths Across America and confirmed on January 2, 2018.


Registration with Wreaths Across America was confirmed for 2017 on December 22, 2016 relative to both Wood National Cemetery Milwaukee and Wisconsin Southern Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Union Grove.


Our adventure with Wreaths Across America arose from a plea placed on Facebook by a friend, DeAnna Diorio, to assist her twin sons, Matt and Sam, in their annual wreaths fund-raiser through the Boy Scouts.


The plea eventually grew into a GofundMe page and the inspiration of Matt and Sam developed into registration of Always Remember with Wreaths Across America. Therefore, through the combined efforts of the Diorio's with the Boy Scout fund-raiser and my newly energized commitment to find sponsorships an additional 156 wreaths were made available for the December 12, 2015 National Ceremony.


As 2016 came, the desire and commitment continued to grow and again a registration was made with WAA. Knowing that 37,000+ fallen heroes rested within Wood National Cemetery Milwaukee and that same amount of wreaths were necessary to cover their graves fully energized my being. Appreciation to the Diorio's cannot be acknowledged enough for their inspiration, support, and assistance in this continued endeavor.


When this site was first set-up the Always Remember story-line held a biographical of DeAnna and her twin sons Matt and Sam. Within that bio it showed DeAnna's great commitment to all things Military due in Remembrance of her first husband Eric, tragically lost too soon because of a drunk driver. He came from a long line of Military personnel. Of greatest note is her time, along with Matt and Sam, spent each August at Camp American Legion in Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin.


In time the story-line changed to include support from some within the Special Olympics, Patriot Guard, Legion Riders (4th/5th district), and various congregations throughout the Milwaukee area. Also, as 2016 went along, July brought on this dedicated website, August a dedicated GoFundMe page was developed. Due to all support and assistance from many, the ceremony at Wood National Cemetery Milwaukee could boast about 2,850 wreaths being place on graves. Granted this is a far cry from the 37,000+, but at least it is a sign of growth.


2017 began more energized to continue the endeavor, but health sometimes has a way of curtailing well intentioned plans. However, it did not halt the efforts. One can only do what they can in a given circumstance. Therefore, as long as strength and health allow Always Remember will continue with the same committed efforts until our last breath. Why? Because I appreciate what these fallen heroes have done for me, which is allowing me to live Free, and Pursue all my lawful dreams/desires to enjoy great satisfaction in life.


Many might think differently, but I for one will Always Remember why they gave their lives. Also, Respect and Honor should most definitely be given to all Active Military for putting their lives on the line daily for us. Additionally, Respect, Honor, and Care should be given to all Veterans for they truly did not wish to suffer the ravages of war. I personally Thank You All!


While 2017 efforts continued without the Diorio's, enough appreciation cannot be stated or shown to them for getting me involved in the twin's Scouting fund-raiser back in 2015. Also, what started as just raising funds for wreaths at Wood National Cemetery Milwaukee, has now grown to included Wisconsin Southern Veterans Memorial Cemetery-Union Grove.


 Now with 2018 soon upon us, Always Remember to ask...


God Bless all active Service Personnel here and abroad! Keep them safe and in our hearts! Respect what they do, for they Protect our Freedom and our “inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” (Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution).


Remember, Honor, Teach All about the Fallen Heroes because they gave their lives for All!


God Bless America!" (Kujawa, 2016)


God willing, we will continue to promote Always Remember to educate all within our region of the state and provide donation-drives/events for those desirous of donating a wreath or two. Once again, in 2018 Always Remember will ask for approval in registering with Wreaths Across America in support of both Wood National Cemetery Milwaukee and Wisconsin Southern Veterans Memorial Cemetery-Union Grove.


In closing let me end this with the words found at the end of our e-mails...


God bless our Active Military! Keep them safe and out of harm’s way. Also, bless our Veterans and appreciate the service they provided. Always Remember the Fallen and be thankful to All for Protecting our Freedom. God Bless America and keep Her Strong! 


God Bless All and God Bless America!


Patricia 'Pat' R. Kujawa

Always Remember Coordinator




Kujawa, P.R. (2016, May).



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